Thursday, October 17, 2013

Daily Posts!

Ok I thought of something I can do daily, as long as I post. There will be exceptions of course due to homework and forgetfulness. Here it is :)

Meeting Monday- I will pick a lucky jammer to be interviewed comment under the questions and comments tab that I will link here.

Talk-o Tuesday- I will talk about whatever is on my mind or make a person post.

Weird WeDENSday- I will pick a cool den of the day but I won't be able to post a picture unless its on Google Images sadly. I will list their username so you can check it out. Must have a unlocked den. Comment here to tryout.

Thrilling Thursday- Animal Jam post and things going on.

Fun Friday- I will make a fun little story not about clans.

Sassy Saturday- A misc day.

Sunday Funday-  I will make a quiz, game or possibly a contest!

I will also have Jammer of the week! There are many opportunities to get a "Shout out" on here, use it!!

Happy Thursday :)

Personal post. So it was a short week of school because we had Monday off. Salute to Columbus! We barely learned anything this week YAY! Sorry I didn't post earlier, I had sooooo much homework yesterday. I have never been on Animal Jam during Night of the Phantoms. Do you go trick or treating or something? We should do something every week on here I will post it in a separate post above.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Diamond Tuesday

Did yall' get your diamonds? I'm saving up, don't know what for. Anywho, I have homework but I'm blogging because I love you guys. I'm also watching Full House. If you like the Warriors series, clans and/or fantasy type thingamajingers you should check out my stories. Click Here if you want to read some of my own clan stories!
I really miss monthly member gifts!
To be honest I'm not in love with the gifts you get to chose from either.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Notice anything different?

Yes, I redecorated for the "Night of the Phantoms" season!! I loooovvvveee it!! Do you? I will certainly make a story for Night of the Phantoms in the library :).

New Title!!

Do you like it? Love it? "Animal Jam Meet Aqua" is way better then "AJ Aqua Pop"!

Personal Post: Friends and Halloween

I'm posting more today!! Yay me! Please tell your friends about my blog, I'm trying to get more people to see it :) Any who Dogz180 is back! She is my real life friend! We got in a whole mix-up about rares because since she wasn't playing I took them. Of course I gave them back to her. I would never scam nor do I encourage it. Sometimes I wonder if the guilt hurts scammers... Scammers let me know down below. (I think we have a new theme song!) "Let me know, down below" Glofishy is already rarer then me... JK... I'm not that rare but I look pretty cool I think. I'm making my real life Halloween costume! On animal jam check out my costume!! It is on Queen Berryclaws. "Let me know, down below" what I am or if you like it! I think that's good, I love blogging so I think I will write a story today!
-Aquaotter5537 & Glofishy

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Back (again) & AJ Challenge!!!!

Hello peeps, I'm back again and I hope to stay back. I have created a new Animal Jam Challenge!! It is called the Start Over Challenge (sounds scary I know) created by yours truly. Basically you would have to animal jam accounts. One your regular one and one being your new one! My new account for the challenge is Glofishy (way better name then aquaotter5537). The challenge is.....

1. Create a new account (comment both of them at the new tab I created titled Start Over Contestants!!).
2. Personalize your new animals. I made my wolf have a different name but she looks like Queen Berryclaws.
3. Get rare! What I mean is, you want it to be hard creating your account. Play adventures, Sky High and trade!
4. No becoming a member on your new account. The learning curve of the challenge is to see how hard it is starting over or being a new jammer.
5. NO CHEATING!! By cheating you might send (they will get lost) or trade to your new account! Aqua and Glowy are watching you!!
6. Have fun!! It's going to be hard but its nice to do if your buddy list is full because then you can get new buddies!!

Sunday, September 8, 2013


Hi, I know I haven't blogged in a long while but if I get people to actually read my blog, I will post more and more!! Please tell all your friends. I have made a YouTube account and I can post more videos if you want me to as well!! I will post around weekly!! please comment below!! XOXO, Aqua

Friday, June 14, 2013

Breaking the Bridge in Coral Canyons

Ever try to break the bridge?

I have proof for this one to! ;) This is a picture of the wolf cave. (below) The game Best Dressed now covers it!
I got this info from the same blog as the Mt.Shiveer post. XOXO, Aqua 

Breaking the Ice at Mt.Shiveer

 Have you ever tried to break the ice at Mt.Shiveer? I have heard rumors that only seals can break the ice. Want proof?
This is a picture of the cave under the ice slides. There is an engraving of a seal on it. Notice how it is blocked by ice chunks.

This is the Mt.Shiveer Animal Jam wallpaper.

This is a close up of the wallpaper. The seal cave is open!
We must break the ice!!!!  The cave is glowing....

Here is another Mt.Shiveer cave...
P.S. I was reading another AJ blog that pointed the cave stuff out! Credit to whoever did so! Can't find it :(

Monthly Member Gifts

I will list all the gifts in order!! Sorry I couldn't get all the colors for some of them. :(
Rare Glove June 2011
Spike Wristbands and Collars July 2011
The Claw August 2011 (started Animal Jam here) dang, missed spikes :(
Weather Clouds September 2011
Caged Phantom October 2011 (don't remember getting one...)
 Bubbletron 5000 November 2011
Gingerbread House den December 2011
New Year's Party Hat January 2012 (became a member here)
Giant Lion Plushies February 2012
Elf Tail Armor March 2012
Hot Cocoa Machine April 2012
Phantom Invasion May 2012 (stopped playing here)
Golden Member Gloves June 2012

Nature Archway July 2012
Golden Phantom Statue August 2012
Pet Monkey September 2012
Pet Tarantula October 2012
Pet Foxes November 2012

Gingerbread House den (again) December 2012
Pet Owl January 2013
Pet Tiger February 2013
Pet Arctic Wolf March 2013 (When I came back!)
Spirit Armor April 2013
Spirit Glove May 2013
June 2013- the rest of Animal Jam time... The Diamond Shop!
How to get diamonds:
Members get one every week
You can spin and get 1-3 diamonds
You can buy a membership that comes with diamonds!

Tips on How Not to Get Scammed ;)

Hopefully this will help you not to get scammed! Please don't get offended if your a scammer, but I have no tolerance for them! Even before I got scammed (claw machine, lava glove, nature archway and elf tail armor) I had no tolerance! Enjoy! If I didn't come up with some I will give credit!
  1. The Newbie A jammer says," I'm new! Please send me rares!" Usually the jammer is super rare but, took stuff out of their den and is hiding clothes, pets and other animals.
  2. The Birthday Bunion (Similar to number one)A jammer says, "It's my birthday! Send me rares!" You don't know if they are lying so make sure to avoid them as well.
  3. Scammed Sneak (Similar to one and two) A jammer says, " I got scammed! Please send me rares!" I mean maybe they did but you never know, they might be the scammers. Hopefully if you ever did one of these you didn't send any good rares. * 1,2, and 3 Tip: Save your cheep Monday rares and send them or you can give them bad items! Also sometimes they might say I send you rare back! I do this sometimes but would never scam! I'm not going to it any more though! One time fake Jamaa HQ people came to my den and said, "That is a good way of recycling!"
  4. The Bad Buddy A good buddy or someone else sends you a jam-a-gram saying, I just got scammed send me something (it happened to me)and I kept telling the person I recently got scammed to. They didn't care, and they weren't being a good buddy. :( I had to defriend them.
  5. The Treacherous Trader A jammer says, "Trade me rares! I don't accept! Win my outfit!" This is probably the one the most people get scammed on including me!(They were wearing two spikes, okay!) They usually have some really bad item like a mat, plushie, etc. There is no real way you can tell if their lying.. :( For me they declined my tail.. Smart move! I will not put her username up! It was my fault for trading.
  6. The Decliner A jammer says, " I decline every trade! Even rares and betas!" That is a definite scam! Please don't do that!
The next two are from Feeler's blog, "Animal Jam Rage" !! The Decline Trade Deception: Some people around Jamaa say things like "I will decline all trades even the rare ones I swear try it out!" You assume that he is being honest, and you put up a glove for his necklace. DON'T DO THAT. He will accept it. Pretty dumb decision right? •The Broken Trade Blackmail: Some Jammers say, "I'll trade rares for rares but my trade doesn't work please send me the rares and I will send you mine!" There are 2 parts to this. 1. They could be telling the truth, but they shouldn't be asking to send. There are some glitches where they're yes button doesn't work, or they can't click. 2. They will attempt to scam. You will feel bad for them and you will send your rares. They leave.
Please do whatever you can to not get scammed! "The Decline Trade Deception" doesn't work anymore but I felt I should put it on. Feelers gives good names for them.. XOXO, Aqua

Thursday, June 13, 2013

About Me!!

Hai!! Welcome to my new blog, I'm Aquaotter5537!! I have been playing Animal Jam since 2010!! I'm pretty sure it was the later beta age when they sold the "Mira Statue" (shown below) "Pot o' Gems" (shown below) and probably more cool betas
as well. I used to be rare but I was stupid enough to get scammed. :(
I will definitely make a post on how not to get scammed. (The person had a spike)
I do not encourage scamming. (Items that got scammed were "Rare Claw Machine", "Elf Tail Armor", "Lava Glove" and "Nature Archway".) Thanks to the new Diamond shop and my real life friend Kokokrazy I have gotten my tail and arch back! Thanks for listening!
Your friend Aqua ;)