Monday, October 14, 2013

Personal Post: Friends and Halloween

I'm posting more today!! Yay me! Please tell your friends about my blog, I'm trying to get more people to see it :) Any who Dogz180 is back! She is my real life friend! We got in a whole mix-up about rares because since she wasn't playing I took them. Of course I gave them back to her. I would never scam nor do I encourage it. Sometimes I wonder if the guilt hurts scammers... Scammers let me know down below. (I think we have a new theme song!) "Let me know, down below" Glofishy is already rarer then me... JK... I'm not that rare but I look pretty cool I think. I'm making my real life Halloween costume! On animal jam check out my costume!! It is on Queen Berryclaws. "Let me know, down below" what I am or if you like it! I think that's good, I love blogging so I think I will write a story today!
-Aquaotter5537 & Glofishy

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